- Gas shield dam
Gas shield dam introduction Gas dam characteristics Gas dam design Gas dam construction case Example of gas shield dam
- Rubber dam
Rubber dam introduction Rubber dam features Rubber dam application range Rubber dam construction case Rubber dam engineering example- Waterstops
Technology Exchange
Huayi Rubber and many brothers manufacturers, scientific research institutes have close relations of cooperation, perennial and northeast, northwest, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Qinghai and other places of water conservancy and hydropower survey and Design Institute for extensive technical exchanges to speed up the gas shield dam technology promotion pace.On the basis of the introduction of foreign gas dam technology, combined with the characteristics of traditional steel gates and rubber dams, the company has proposed a two-way retaining gas shield with completely independent intellectual property rights and a fish channel, air-shield type Sand control, won the national patent office of the invention patent and utility model patents.
- Rubber dam