- Gas shield dam
Gas shield dam introduction Gas dam characteristics Gas dam design Gas dam construction case Example of gas shield dam
- Rubber dam
Rubber dam introduction Rubber dam features Rubber dam application range Rubber dam construction case Rubber dam engineering example- Waterstops
Gas dam design
Gas dam design
Gas shield dam can be a good coordination spillway flood discharge capacity, reduce the flood when the water level risePrevention of sand and contaminant accumulationPrevention of low water discharge and pollution of water qualityConstruction of riverside landscape and restoration of river ecosystems
According to user requirements can be designed arch dam, the construction of beautiful river landscapeAs the arched dam water overflow over the flow of water to the central flow, to prevent the formation of whirlpool is conducive to water storage revetmentInstall the landscape lights to create a more beautiful night view
Design scheme of wandering and tidal gates
1) wave gateThe global greenhouse effect caused by rising sea surface and the impact of natural disasters such as typhoons, seawall settings need to continue to increase, the importance of setting up coastal dams is to prevent the waves and waves to reduce the coastal flood disaster, although the higher seawall is anti-wave Of the good measures, but it has significantly reduced the view of the sea view.
2) tidal gateBuilt in the coastal area or near the estuary, for the tide, flood storage, flood discharge, drainage of the gate, when the high tide off the gate to prevent the tide into the river to intercept the river fresh water to meet the drinking water, shipping and other needs. At low tide, the tide level below the river level, open the gate, you can flood, drainage, scouring and silting. Tidal gate with two-way when the water, frequent operation and so on.
Design Scheme of Reservoir and Power Station Expansion
1) due to climate change to bring concentrated rainstorms, heavy rains increased and drought and so on, making the original water conservancy facilities flood discharge capacity, water supply seriously declined, the management of water environment is imminent.2) When the flood occurred, due to the destruction of the dam over the river, causing the downstream suffered a major disaster.3) resulting in a large number of abandoned power plant, can not long-term normal power generation.
Winter run design
As the steel shield to support an independent airbag, you can achieve broken ice, so that the ice edge and floating objects through, only for cold areas.
No mid - pier section control scheme
No matter how wide the river, the gate does not need the pier, can be completely lodging without water, to achieve efficient discharge. According to the needs of the district can be undulating operation design, to achieve flood control, anti-sea water intrusion and lock function. Build a surfing park on the city river.
No pier
Simulated surfing
Design Scheme of Air Shield Sand Diversion Gate
China's Yellow River Basin, the average sedimentfall 35 kg / cubic meter, the middle reaches of the Yellow River flows through the Loess Plateau, soil erosion is serious, resulting in the river sediment concentration, the important exchange Fenhe, Weihe River, sand is an important consideration.
Design scheme of bidirectional retaining water gas shield
In order to alleviate the adverse effects of the project construction on the fish resources, the construction of the dam is to prevent the migration of fish resources and to change the original aquatic environment
Two - way view of water - shield shield
Fishway design
Road and underground garage protection design
1, the gate can be set in the underground garage, subway entrance, to prevent the storm into the flood.2, can also be arranged in the embankment of the gap, the flood immediately closed.
- Rubber dam